03 January 2013

HNDE Syllabus Year 1 – Semester I - EN 1103: Listening in English I

EN 1103: Listening in English I

Nature of listening and factors that affect listening
·         What is listening? Ability to identify and understand what others are saying, involves understanding a speaker’s accent/pronunciation/grammar/ vocabulary and grasping the meaning.
·         Factors that affect listening:
-   Get the students to discuss and write a list in small groups.
-   Whole class discussion. Use the following factors in the discussion:
Listening passage is heard only once, content usually not well organized, cannot be listened to at a slower speed (message on radio, on tape), difficult to recognize individual words in the stream of speech, may contain colloquial words and expression and redundant utterances: repetitions, false starts, rephrasing, self-corrections, elaborations, meaningless utterances (e.g. I mean. you know...), no body language and facial expressions, etc

Extract specific information – selective listening
·         Purpose: not to look for global / general meaning, but to be able to find necessary information. Students listen for names / dates / certain facts and events / location / situation / context, etc.
·         Types of tasks:
-   Listen to news. In the work sheet tick the category to which the news items you hear fall into.
-   Listen to announcements e.g. Airline arrivals and departures. Fill in the flight numbers, destinations, gate numbers, departure times etc.

Listening for the main idea and specific details
·         Types of activities
-   Listen and take notes under given headings
-   Listen and answer comprehension check questions
·         Text types: Interviews, speeches
(Ref. Headway Intermediate Page 66)

Understanding planned monologues
·         In planned monologues the language is carefully structured. Provide the students with a task sheet to be completed while listening.
·         Types of activities: weather reports, news readings
Understanding unplanned monologues
·         In unplanned monologues which are usually crated on the spot in response to an initial question there is a lot of pauses, redundancy and fragmentary utterances.
·         Types of tasks:
-   Identify the meaningless speech, list them, and compare with others
-   Comprehension questions