03 January 2013

HNDE Syllabus Year 2 – Semester I - EN 2102: Advanced Reading Skills III

EN 2102: Advanced Reading Skills III

Recognition of different styles of writing: descriptive, expository, narrative, argumentative
·         Help students to
-   Recognize the writer’s attitude and tone
-   Identify figurative language and other elements of narrative style (e.g. plot, character, and setting),
-   How the writer tries to persuade or convince the reader and how the writer uses reasons, examples etc. to explain something.
·         Activities: Read passages of different styles and answer questions based on them.

Reading and summarizing
·         Focus: summarizing is a productive skill, but to be able to write accurate summaries requires accurate comprehension of the passage. 
·         Read each paragraph of a text and summarize the main points in one or two sentences
·         Join the sentences with appropriate linking words or phrases to produce a coherent summary.

Creative reading: going beyond the text
·         This level of reading will be possible only if the students know the literal meaning of the text and have interpreted and evaluated the information; involves going beyond the text to seek out or express new ideas, to gain additional insights.
·         Activities: Reading more on the topic and gathering information, writing responding to what is read.

Intensive reading
·         Read short sections to understand or study information or language use in detail
·         Activities: comprehension questions at different levels. Activities on vocabulary, grammatical and lexical cohesion

Integrating activities
Activities: Writing short stories based on news items, Dramatizing a comic strip series

Read orally
·         Help students to read avoiding communication problems such as word recognition difficulties, poor phrasing, and improper use of punctuation. There must be a genuine audience, an opportunity to prepare, rehearse or practice.

·         Types of activities:
-   Produce their own news broadcast including local news, world news, sports, cinema, fashions, weather etc. and reading it.
-   Reading a paragraph from a magazine, a poem,/story